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Employee Referral Trends Report

Preview What We've Found

HireClix conducted a survey polling 1,000 U.S. consumers aged 18 and above and created a report which highlights the evolving talent landscape shaped by factors such as post-pandemic transitions and the retirement wave of baby boomers, impacting various sectors. This research aims to offer valuable insights for recruitment strategies, emphasizing the shifting dynamics and the importance of investing in recruitment advertising, technology, and employer branding for the future.

Companies With Formal Employee Referral Programs

While job board advertisements have a direct effect on candidates' decision-making process, several other platforms also play a role in job advertising and employer branding strategies making it critical for organizations to refine their targeting strategies and tailor their advertisements effectively.

Companies With Formal Employee Referral Programs

Engaging career sites are a huge opportunity to tell your story and give potential candidates a window into your organization

Companies With Formal Employee Referral Programs

Understanding the factors driving job changes, such as enjoyment of work, compensation, work/life balance, and opportunity for growth, remains crucial to retain valuable employees.

Companies With Formal Employee Referral Programs

Staying ahead of changes in the recruiting market place is critical for employers to adapt to an evolving workforce.

HireClix’s Commitment To Transforming Talent Acquisition

At HireClix, we're at the forefront of innovating talent acquisition strategies in a rapidly evolving job market. Our comprehensive approach covers various critical areas to cater to the challenges faced by organizations in today's dynamic landscape.

Recruitment Marketing

Our core expertise lies in Recruitment Marketing services. With a focus on media buying, campaign management, and creative services, we offer tailored solutions to address the fluctuations in the talent landscape. We meticulously craft recruitment marketing mixes that pinpoint the most effective candidate sources, ensuring high-quality hires while optimizing ROI.

Employer Brand Network

Employer Brand Network acts as a technological powerhouse, expanding your brand's reach across previously unexplored consumer channels. By activating employer branding campaigns on diverse platforms, we help you engage with potential candidates in spaces where your brand visibility was previously limited.

Career Sites

HireClix Career Sites are powered by a modern, consumer-grade technology which transforms your career site, making it a compelling point of contact for potential candidates. Discover how our expert designers can craft custom career sites that align seamlessly with your corporate brand guidelines, ensuring you stand out in a competitive talent market.

Strategic Consulting

HireClix Strategic Consulting team is comprised of top consultants with real-world talent acquisition leadership experience. We analyze recruitment systems, process and optimize technology to streamline operations and enhance your employer brand.

Current Candidate Experience Survey Research

In response to the demographic shift and overall fluctuation in the job market, our commitment is to keep our Candidate Experience (CX) research up to date in order to provide invaluable insights. Our goal with this research and analysis is to help guide organizations in making decisions around their recruitment advertising investments and shape talent acquisition strategy and infrastructure - including career sites, applicant tracking systems, and social media content.

Ready to Revamp your candidate experience?